LibSR:Proof of concept

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This was a rushed proof of concept, nothing more. The critical things that needed to be proved were:

  1. A natural handling of shader variables, code must read not varyings.assign("z",MAT4F::Multiply(varyings.get("y"),varyings.get("z")); or something, and statically typed.
    • Both of these were achieved.
    • However there was a problem, due to the virtual methods in play (among other things) it was slow, also it could not be easily made parallel, a re-write would be easier.
  2. How a rasteriser might work (see: LibSR:Rasteriser), its performance and so forth (the LibSR:Proof of concept rasteriser was very poor indeed).

Stuff to go on page

There's an old proof-of-concept implementation written in C++, it supports depth tests, vertex and fragment shaders, and there's limited work on texture objects, oh and renderbuffers, so it is double-buffered. I often show the following screenshots:

LibSR POC 1.png
Example showing a Fragment shader which renders a red border around quad

patches where the light is below a certain intensity.

LibSR POC 2.png
The corresponding Vertex shader showing how Uniform variables and

Varying variables are bound to shaders.