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==Theorem statement==
==[[:Equivalent statements to compactness of a metric space/Statement|Theorem statement]]==
{{:Equivalent statements to compactness of a metric space/Statement}}
{{:Equivalent statements to compactness of a metric space/Statement}}
{{Begin Inline Theorem}}
{{Begin Inline Theorem}}

Latest revision as of 11:37, 27 May 2016

Theorem statement

Given a metric space (X,d), the following are equivalent[1][Note 1]:

  1. X is compact
  2. Every sequence in X has a subsequence that converges (AKA: having a convergent subsequence)
  3. X is totally bounded and complete



1)2): X is compact (an)n=1X  a sub-sequence (akn)n=1 that coverges in X


2)3): Suppose for all sequences (xn)n=1X that (xn)n=1 has a convergent subsequence (X,d) is a complete metric space and is totally bounded

TODO: Rest, namely: 31


  1. Jump up To say statements are equivalent means we have one one of the other(s)


  1. Jump up Introduction to Topology - Theodore W. Gamelin & Robert Everist Greene